Education reform is occurring throughout the world and one of the tenets of the reform is the integration of technology in the education system. Technology in education should not be considered as a replacement for face to face instruction but rather as a support in attaining objectives that would not been have attained efficiently otherwise. Integrating technology in teaching and learning will improve the quality of education for students by enhancing the learning environment, making learning easier and fun and giving experience in future job-related skills or helping to prepare students for employment to gain a competitive edge in the global economy. Importantly, teachers ought to put much thought and preparation when incorporating technology in lessons. Educational consultant, Heidi-Hayes Jacobs posits “teachers need to integrate technology seamlessly into the curriculum instead of viewing it as an add-on, an afterthought, or an event.”

The importance of technology in the world of education keeps growing; I believe it is essential that technology be included in the classroom. As a teacher, I will provide guidance, resources and knowledge to my students and the use of technology will complement my lessons in a way that will heighten my students learning experiences. I also believe that it is important that educators incorporate technology into their everyday instruction. In doing so, it will ensure that they keep their students entice and eager to learn. Philosopher and educational reformer John Dewey said that if we teach today as we taught yesterday we rob our children of tomorrow. This is to say that the students in the current education system are of another time and therefore to teach them the way of the past will prove ineffective. Therefore, it is imperative that everyone gets on board as technology is concerned because it is the new way of the world. Get with time, move with technology.

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    January 2013

